510 to Reform Worker’s Compensation Rate
For California’s Beleaguered OHV dealers.
Senator Dennis Hollingsworth (R-Murrieta), has introduced
SB 510 in the California Senate at the request of the Off-Road
Business Association. This bill would require the
Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau to
establish separate worker’s compensation rates for
employees of motorcycle, all-terrain, and off-road vehicle
dealers. The burden placed on California’s
businesses by out of control worker’s compensation
rates has been well documented over the past several years. However,
motorized recreational vehicle dealers take a double hit
because of a rate structure known as “all inclusive” rates. Employers
must pay the same worker’s compensation rates for
their parts, apparel, cashier, and other similar employees
that they pay on their mechanics. Employers pay a
higher worker’s compensation rate for mechanics due
to the higher risk for injury for that job classification. This
causes motorcycle dealers to pay the highest rate for all
their employees regardless of their job.
Motorcycle dealers such as Motoworld of El Cajon are paying
around $15,000 per month for worker’s compensation
premiums for its 75 employees. These dealers have
only two options when classifying employees: clerical and
mechanic. Currently, everyone working in the parts
department or rider apparel section falls under the mechanic
class. The Automotive sales industry has four classifications
for their employees. According to Brian Juhnke, owner
of Motoworld, “the classification system for the
motorcycle industry is clearly unfair in relation to the
major manufacturers’ automobile dealers in California”.
Over 3.5 million Californians enjoy off-road recreation,
which generates $9 billion annually to California’s
economy. According to Roy Denner, President and CEO
of ORBA, “We want the same worker’ compensation
rate structure as the major motor vehicle dealers. This
is a matter of simple fairness.”
# # # #
ORBA is a Santee, California-based trade association
comprised of off-road related businesses united to promote
goals that support the prosperity and growth of the off-road
Media Relations &
Membership Representative
11487 Woodside Ave., Ste#110
Santee, CA 92071
Direct to Meg 951-926-1953
Office Phone 619-449-0778
Office Fax 619-596-5826
www.ORBA.biz |

Long-awaited Biological Opinion opens the door for the implementation of the
Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP) for the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation
CARLSBAD, CA (January 25, 2005) – After years of preparation and litigation,
the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has released its Biological Opinion
for the Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP) for the Imperial Sand Dunes
Recreation Area (ISDRA) (a.k.a. Glamis). The plan was drafted two years
ago with extensive input from the off-highway vehicle recreation community
as well as the environmental community. The “No Jeopardy” opinion
concludes that implementation of the RAMP will not lead to a decline in the
population of the Peirson’s MilkVetch Plant (PMV) or the Desert Tortoise – currently
listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. The
PMV is believed to exist only in the Imperial Sand Dunes.
Barring any further restraining litigation, this Biological Opinion clears
the way for the Bureau of Land Management to proceed with the implementation
of the Plan. Some of the areas within the ISDRA that were temporarily
closed to off-highway vehicle (OHV) use as a result of a legal settlement will
be reopened to vehicle use. A large portion of the central area of the
ISDRA will be designated as an “Adaptive Management Area” where
vehicle use will be allowed on a restricted basis. Implementation of
the plan includes the improvement of OHV facilities including additional camping
pads and restroom facilities.
According to OHV attorney David Hubbard: “This Biological Opinion
is very thorough and responds in detail to objections presented by opponents
to the Plan. It will be very difficult for them to successfully challenge
its conclusions in a court of law.” Hubbard represents the American
Sand Association, the Off-Road Business Association, and the San Diego Off-Road
Coalition in matters pertaining to the ISDRA.
American Sand Association President, Grant George, says: “The OHV community
is very excited about the No Jeopardy opinion. We have worked very hard
to help the BLM provide protection for the PMV and will continue to do so even
after the Plan is implemented.”
A BLM spokesperson warned the OHV community not to expect closures to be taken
down over-night. Eleven protests to the Plan have been filed and these
must be responded to by the National Director of the BLM before action can
be taken. Also, an implementation schedule must be prepared to support
the BLM’s Record of Decision. All of this will take some unpredictable
amount of time.
# # # #
ORBA is a Santee, California-based trade association comprised of off-road
related businesses united to promote common goals that support the prosperity
and growth of the off-road industry.
Media Relations &
Membership Representative
11487 Woodside Ave., Ste#110
Santee, CA 92071
Direct to Meg 951-926-1953
Office Phone 619-449-0778
Office Fax 619-596-5826
www.ORBA.biz |
